fireworks display courtesy of wikimedia commons
fireworks display courtesy of wikimedia commons

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For the first time in several years, Ocracoke Island will have a show of professional fireworks launched at the end of the National Park Service boat launch dock in the village at 9:15 p.m. Sunday, July 3.  

It is part of a two-day Independence Day celebration on both Sunday and Monday, July 4. 

This will be the first time any fireworks have been launched since a fatal accident around 8 a.m. July 4, 2009.

At that time, four employees of the professional company were killed when their truck carrying the explosives detonated during unloading.

The community reeled after that horrific and sad event. In the last few years, however, some members of the community again requested that the community sponsor a fireworks show.  While the community was divided about taking this risk again as well as spending money that will virtually go up in smoke, the ayes won out last year when the Ocracoke Occupancy Tax Board agreed to fund the holiday show to the tune of $20,000 for an 18-minute aerial display.

This time, Pyrotecnico of Columbia, S.C., is creating and launching the display made possible by the cooperation of David E. Hallac, Cape Hatteras National Seashore superintendent, who helped the Ocracoke Civic and Business Association find a suitable launching site, also the Ocracoke Volunteer Fire Department, the NC Ferry Division, the Hyde County Sheriff’s Dept., the Coast Guard and the state Dept. of Marine Fisheries.

“I’m really happy we could work together as a team to find an appropriate location to celebrate Independence Day,” Hallac said, noting that both he and his Chief Ranger “Boone” Vandzura will attend for the weekend.

The Ocracoke Civic and Business Association is the event coordinator and Hyde County is the sponsor.

Below is the two-day schedule.

July 3-4 2016 schedule

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