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SUBSCRIBE to the Ocracoke Observer

2024 commemorates our 11th year of publishing news and features stories about Ocracoke Island, N.C., and we continue to receive great feedback on our coverage in both the monthly print paper and our website.

“(My subscription is a) small token of my appreciation for being able to feel a part of Ocracoke all year around,” said one subscriber, and that’s great to hear.

When we began as the new owners in April 2014, we committed to printing a monthly newspaper from March to December, and that will continue.  While we cannot print everything in the monthly, we post breaking news, features and archived stories on this website.  Not all of the stories in our print issue will appear here and vice versa.

You can purchase a subscription via PayPal but you do not need a PayPal account to do so, just a credit card. Please note that the subscription price is $25. 

Thank you!

PayPal will bill you annually. To cancel, contact PayPal.

If you’d prefer, you can right click on the form below to print it to either renew your subscription or purchase a new one. Or, if you have trouble printing out the form, just send a $25 check with the correct mailing address and contact information to:
Ocracoke Observer
P.O. Box 427
Ocracoke, NC 27960

We sincerely thank you for supporting the local newspaper on Ocracoke Island!
–Connie and Peter