020515 Hazelnut 2
Photo of newborn Hazelnut and her mother, Sacajawea, courtesy of the National Park Service.

Feb. 6, 2015

From the Cape Hatteras National Seashore

The Ocracoke pony herd has a new member.

Hazelnut was born on Feb. 4,  at approximately 10 a.m. and becomes the 17th member of the current Ocracoke pony herd.  Her mother is Sacajawea, a mare from Shackleford Banks who joined the Ocracoke herd in 2010, and her father is Rayo, a direct descendant of the original Ocracoke ponies.

Hazelnut was named by the Volunteers-In-Park, who work directly with the Ocracoke ponies.  Born on a chilly February morning, she will not stray far from her mother’s side for at least six months and will join the rest of the herd sometime in the late summer.

For more park information regarding the Ocracoke Ponies and how you can participate in the “Adopt-A-Pony” program, see http://www.nps.gov/caha/historyculture/ocracokeponies, or call 252-928-5111.

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