Home CLASSIFIEDS on Ocracoke & the mainland

CLASSIFIEDS on Ocracoke & the mainland

Evening on Silver Lake harbor, Ocracoke, Sept. 4, 2019, two days before Hurricane Dorian hit. Photo: C. Leinbach

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Sweet tooth/Fig Tree Bakery and Deli is looking for seasonal staffing this year. This is your opportunity to work, spend time and enjoy Ocracoke and its treasures: The beach, sun and beautiful waters. Don’t miss out. Housing is a challenge as we all know but no worries as we have staff accommodations. If Interested please call or message 252-921-0225. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you. Darlene Styron

Looking for a small plot of land to rent on Ocracoke to grow a vegetable garden. Please call Kris at 252-333-5936.