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The Outer Banks Community Foundation is now accepting applications from nonprofits for a sixth round of COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants.

During this cycle, the foundation is especially encouraging grant proposals from groups addressing childcare and remote learning needs during school closures.

To be eligible for a COVID Rapid Response Grant, programs must be urgent in nature and must be related to the Coronavirus crisis, either directly (e.g., programs that assist students with remote learning) or indirectly (e.g., assistance to workers without child care).

True to their name, COVID Rapid Response Grants have an expedited application process and a fast-track decision timeframe. COVID-related requests must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 14, via a one- or two-page letter, plus attached budget, with funding decisions made the following week.

“The Outer Banks continues to face unprecedented challenges through the COVID crisis,” said Lorelei Costa, the foundation’s executive director. “One challenge that we’d particularly like to address is the urgent need to support working families of school-age children while our schools are closed. We are very interested in helping families that must work during the school day, as well as families with children with special learning needs.”

To date, the Community Foundation has awarded more than $220,000 in COVID Rapid Response Grants for a wide range of programs, including nutritional assistance, internet connectivity for at-home students, and financial assistance for the unemployed.

To apply for a grant, nonprofits should first review the grant guidelines published online at, and then call the foundation at 252-261-8839 to discuss their project and funding needs.

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