2014-05-03 09.42.09
Members of Ocracoke Boy Scout Troop No. 290 help with the Annual Litter Sweep in April. From left are Liam Caswell, Darvin Contreras, Kevin Perez, Cody Pinter, Juan Morales, Andrew Tillett, Brandon O’Neal and Chris Salerno, one of the leaders.

If you’ve noticed that Ocracoke seems to be cleaner looking in the past couple of years, you are probably right.

Island volunteers have been participating twice a year in the state’s roadside cleanup known as the Litter Sweep.  They will do so again on Saturday, September 27.

Volunteers should show up at 10 a.m. at the Ocracoke School (120 School House Rd) for instructions, bags and, if needed, gloves. Work will last about two hours.

Once again coordinated by Dolores Gilbert, the school, scout troops and many others will join forces for some clean fun. Last year about 100 bags of trash were filled. 

For those who have participated in the past and would like to do their same area again, or can’t participate that day yet would like to help out, contact Dolores at dsgilbert13@gmail.com.

Here’s a bonus, show up a little early and enjoy a cup of coffee and muffin provided by the Ocracoke Coffee Shop.


2014-05-03 09.11.43
Coordinator Dolores Gilbert and science teacher Jennifer Garrish study the village map to see what areas still need to be covered. Student Zoe Huppert awaits her assignment.
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