The Variety Store sign is now ‘Ocracoke Strong.’ Photo: C. Leinbach

Update: Please see this more recent post as to updated needs list.

Ocracoke post-Dorian day four (Sept. 9, 2019) has specific needs post Hurricane Dorian.

We set up an email for this purpose and please respond as to your availability to supply any of these items.

That email is and please be patient. Someone will respond as soon as possible.

Please respond as to your availability to supply these items but do not purchase them until you’ve heard back from us with an OK. We will get back to you as to how to get them here.

Although the needs list is large, right now the following are specific critical Ocracoke needs:

Floor squeegees
Flashlights, including headlamps, and batteries of all sizes
Tupperware-type plastic containers
Totes—medium and large
Battery-powered fans
Commercial floor fans
Propane cookstoves
Extension cords
Carpet knives, nail pullers
Tyvek suits
Boot socks
5-W-30 oil for generators—lots of it.
Mops, rakes, shovels, hammers
Chain saws

Verizon phone charging stations are available at the Ocracoke Community Center. Photo: C. Leinbach
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Next articleIf you want to send monetary donations to Ocracoke post-Dorian


  1. We shall patiently await your requests. I am sure you are overwhelmed with everything! From now on people can remain kind, thoughtful and understanding. We will send or bring you what you need when you need it.

  2. We are equally frustrated as we followed the request to the letter. Sent an email saying what we could provide as requested ($450 of anything on their list with help from lowes home improvement), told them I could get it to the cedar island ferry dock and received a canned response that they didn’t need individual help at the moment. I understand the craziness that must be going on, just don’t publish an article saying “here is how you can help” and then blowing that help off. Maybe a new article is needed for clarification on the last one.

    • We hear you, Mark, but the aid response has been overwhelming and we appreciate that support during this unprecedented island crisis. This disaster isn’t about individuals. It’s about our community as a whole. We understand many individuals love our island and we’re still in mandatory evacuation mode and people just can’t take stuff to a ferry and expect to drop it off because that’s a state-run operation. The volunteers coordinating this relief effort are not trying to blow you off, but Ocracoke will not be whole for a long time and help also will be needed down the road. If you email, you will at first get a canned response and that is because we’re getting hundreds of emails a day. We ask all to be patient.

  3. Consider setting up a GoFundMe page so people who love OBX and Ocracoke can donate! I live in Michigan and we visit every year! Would love to donate!!!!!!! Or is there already some way people can donate cash?

    • There are a few set up via Facebook. Please check them. Also, the United Methodist Church is accepting cash donations to help folks here. Write “pastor’s discretrionary fund” in the memo line. Pastor Susie will dole out as needed. We will check with the Lifesaving Church as well, but giving via the churches would be the best way to immediately help.

  4. Hi Connie, we can provide the following:
    Flashlights, Batteries, Tupper type plastic containers, extension cords, carpet knives/pullers, boot socks.
    Barbara & Frank (NJ)

      • It’s amazing how people are trying to help and getting bashed for offering help. Yesterday I tried to offer my help and got slammed. Apparently you dont want or need help.

      • Lynn, sorry you got slammed, but please be patient. It’s still very hectic here and a mess. There are tons of people offering help, and that’s awesome. We appreciate it but we’re still trying to help those here whose lives got destroyed and all of that has to be coordinated and right now. Unless you are part of an authorized group, no one is getting here–especially those who just show up and not even off-island property owners. The best way is to email about your availability and skills, but you may not get a response right away. We just set that email up and are triaging that, too. However, down the road, Ocracoke will also need help. Ocracoke won’t be whole for a while and will need help for a long time. Thank you.

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